How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs

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Video Transcript: "Hey, it's Gavin from My Body Fixers and My Cellulite Solution. I hope you're well and thank you for stopping by. The reason I'm here doing a quick video is to talk to you about cellulite and how to best reduce its appearance.

Over the years of training thousands of women online, one of the key problems they come to me with is, "Gavin, how do I change this? What can I do about these dimples here?" Sometimes in the stomach, sometimes in the arms, but definitely the hips, buttocks, and thighs.

woman trying to get rid of cellulite on her thighsIt led me on a journey to try and figure out what was going on, what style it was, and how best to fix it. I researched articles, research journals, podcasts, videos, and there was a whole lot of confusion out there.

There are so many different things out there, such as creams, body scrubs, cupping, liposuction, and blasts. It took me a while to bring it all out, and I came up with a solution that has been helpful to many women out there. I want to try and explain it to you right now and show you what's going on so you can understand it in your own head and then perhaps use these steps.

I'm about to show you so you can minimize the appearance of cellulite and maybe even better, future-proof yourself from further dimpling.

Cellulite affects 90% of women around the world or at least will do at some point in their lives, so it's completely natural. I know there are a lot of women out there who are not bothered by cellulite, and that's absolutely fine.

However, there are a lot of women who are bothered by cellulite and just want to feel better and more confident wearing dresses or bathing suits by the pool. This is for those types of women, and that might be you. So, let's get stuck in.

We have a few different layers within the skin, and the first thing to notice is your connective tissue, these vertical strands here. So, this is our key player, and this is what I would say is the root cause of cellulite.

Regardless of what else is going on, we need to try and help these guys out. Let's say you have good muscle tone and a good body fat percentage level, and you're not carrying any extra weight, then that should be okay if these guys aren't doing too bad. As we age, these guys struggle to regenerate and become weak and can't stretch as well as they once did, which means they pull down on the skin. We have weak plus and/or overstretched. It's one thing being weak, but how do they get overstretched?

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That's what takes us on to our next point, too much fat. If you carry a few too many pounds, it's going to try and pop this out as wide as it can, which makes that have to stretch a little bit further, and again, it pulls down on the skin. We might say enlarged fat cells. Again, too much stress placed on these guys is not helping them out at all. If we throw in something else, muscle, if your muscle is not very toned, then again, it's going to pull it all down because this is all holding together.

It all works in one, so if the muscle is not very well conditioned, there's muscle atrophy. As you get older, you lose muscle just due to aging hormones and a lack of activity, then you're pulling everything down again, placing more stress on this. So, another problem we've got is reduced muscle tone. There are three components right now, so connective tissue is weak and/or overstretched. It's a big problem right now.

If we can take out these two guys here by reducing the fat cell size or increasing the muscle tone or doing both, even better, then we're going to take some of the stress off this. Even if we have got weak connectivity, we can reduce the appearance of cellulite on the top.

my cellulite solution for getting rid of cellulite on thighsFor someone who might have severe cellulite, which is kind of the case of what we've got going on here, we want to try and get rid of as much fat as we can. Going on a good diet plan, reducing the sugar intake, perhaps reducing calories, there's overall calories, something like intermittent fasting, whatever diet plan may be, something that's going to make you lose weight, and that's saying you're carrying a few too many extra pounds and you need to lose weight, get rid of that. It's going to smooth out that cellulite a little bit.

Then it's a case of toning up the muscle at the same time. Now, there are all sorts of different ways to reduce fat and improve muscle tone, but when we look at muscle, one of the things that we want to do is use exercise in a way that's going to boost growth hormone. Because when you boost growth hormone, you can also boost collagen production, which will help strengthen these guys in here, make them a bit more stretchy as well. But you also want to tone the muscles underneath the cellulite. So, let's say, for example, this is your butt, and you've got a few dimples in your butt.

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It makes sense that if we can bring this up, this here, fire it up, this is your butt muscle, your glutes. Let's get doing some butt exercises. This is going to raise it up, take the stress off here, makes sense. Now, you may have cellulite and dimples in other places, so you would do more of a rounded approach, but things you want to do are resistance training, for sure. Your squats, your lunges, your hip bridges, all sorts of different exercises you can do.

It doesn't really matter too much. There are different ways you can do them. I like to go like a slow burn. I do want to call velocity, so it's more of a faster-paced exercise routine because we're trying to boost growth hormone at the same time. Then we have one called ascend, which is very much focused on individual muscles to try and really, for example, focus on the butt muscles here, step-ups, pistol squats, those sorts of things.

That's really trying to target those areas. So, it depends on where you have your cellulite as to what exercise you use. If you have it in various places, then a more rounded approach is going to work as well. Resistance training plus a bit of high-intensity training will definitely help you out there. Of course, those things are also going to help reduce the fat cell size as well.

If we go back to number one, connective tissue, things that we can do, and I mentioned briefly boosting growth hormone. So, we can do that diet-wise. Intermittent fasting is very good for that, but also resistance training and high-intensity exercise are also very good for trying to improve your collagen production, strengthen up these guys, and try and future-proof ourselves against further dimples that might occur. I think that pretty much sums it up. So, we can, if we look over here, we have good muscle tone, good body fat percentage, and we've managed to increase the strength of the connective tissue.

That's what we're looking for when we have that smooth line on the top of the skin. I hope that clears things up a little bit, but I just wanted to try to explain some of that to you and help you out.

Hopefully, that gives you a simplified view of what's going on and what you can do going forward."

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